Prepared and Proud: Margaret Harkins, Dean of the School of Nursing & 健康科学

Margaret Harkins, Dean of the School of Nursing & 健康科学

Margaret Harkins, DNP, MBE, MSN, GNP-BC, RN-BC, dean of the 十大网络彩票平台大全 School of Nursing & 健康科学 can spot a nurse from a mile away.  这就是她的超能力, one that has served her well over the past eight years during the unprecedented growth in the program.

“If I am in front of a lineup and have a chance to talk to the people, 我马上就能认出护士,哈金斯说. “他们只是非常不同, and their way about going forward in day-to-day life is very different than the average person. Nurses are a very unique group of individuals.”

Perhaps because nurses can go from the excitement of the birth of baby to experiencing end-of-life care. 

“The typical lay person will never be exposed to these kinds of situations unless they have a personal family issue,”她说。. “我们每天都这样做. Our practice requires us to not only go in and grieve with a family, but then walk out of that room and prepare for another patient, who is experiencing something completely different. It takes a special individual to commit to this vocation. 我们可以被认为是一个强硬的团队, 但在, we have the compassion and the wherewithal to see that people really do need help.”

25岁的时候,  her son required tremen-dous care after being born with a brain bleed, 哈金斯才是需要帮助的人. It was through this challenge that she discovered what would become her life’s work.


“In the first year of his life, we were at doc-tors constantly,哈金斯说. “I didn’t know what they were talking about. I needed to figure out how to understand the language. I saw the nurses who were taking care of my son and I thought, ‘This is amazing what they are doing’.”

哈金斯发起了一项为期7年的探索, 当秘书的时候, 在攻读副学士学位. 这条路把她送进了天普大学, 宾夕法尼亚大学, 和查塔姆大学, rising through the ranks as a geriatric nurse practitioner. After teaching nursing at Drexel University for  12 years (2003-15), she arrived at 十大网络彩票平台大全 as an adjunct professor and began the ascent to full-time faculty member and program coordinator to assistant dean, 副院长, 然后院长. 

“Being a dean provides me with an opportunity to purposely look at what we offer and to make changes that need to be made at the curriculum level,”她说。. “I consider myself lucky to be in this position as we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the School of Nursing, and it does not surprise me at all that our alumni are as successful as they are. When I arrived, the University had a traditional program and one cohort of an accelerated program. Through the very hard work of the leadership team, 还有教职员工, we now offer a nurse practitioner program, 博士项目, 在线硕士课程, and a part-time evening and weekend program.”

在哈金斯的领导下, the University recently introduced an online distance learning program that mirrors the in-person 14-month accelerated program that is offered at the school’s 新城 campus. After just one cohort, the program has reached 10 states.

“It’s just amazing that our name is out there,哈金斯说.  “I was attracted to 十大网络彩票平台大全 because it was a faith-based institution with a mission and values that are exactly what nurses have. Those values — including integrity and respect — run through our veins as nurses. 这就是我们.”

 It is because of the 十大网络彩票平台大全 reputation that Harkins has worked so hard to capitalize on her ability to make change.

“The product that we put out into society has to be stellar,”她说。. “As a nurse, you need to know what you are doing. We need to grow nurses who have their heads on straight, who are able to handle so many emotional things, who can deal with anxiety and tension and also the physical challenges of the job. Our students need to know that the nursing profession has a long-standing commitment to healing and helping and putting your hand out when someone is on the ground and at their worst.”

Because she has been at it for so long, Harkins can now use her years of experience to spot those who have the potential to become difference-makers in a world that faces a critical nursing shortage in a changing landscape that will be sending more nurses into the home.

“I tell our students to get through school and get their RN licenses,哈金斯说.” There are thousands of opportunities out there for them to positively impact the healthcare system if they tough it out. Yes, it is challenging, and nurses are a tough breed. 这个行业为此感到自豪. 我为此感到自豪.”

Harkins is here to ensure that the next generation of 十大网络彩票平台大全 nurses will be, too.